Coaching skills for Internal Auditors
The so called soft skills (interpersonal skills) have been underrated for many years, not being see as important or in any way impacting the hard, visible and measurable” results. But…
Online at: page 30!
Here is the article:
As I was putting pen to paper to write this article for the last number of HowDo magazine in 2022, I inevitably thought about the articles in the previous numbers.
I wrote about the need of changing our behaviours to change our results, about how important it is to understand the power of diversity to develop highly effective multicultural teams, and about the importance of getting out of our comfort zone to increase our resilience. What it seemed as a natural next subject to me, was to write about the importance of celebrating our small successes, achievements, especially as we approach the festive season.
Do you celebrate your small achievements or are you one of those people who consider they have nothing to celebrate until they achieved the full goal? I used to be one of those…
We all cheer strongly for the child who took their first or second step even if they fell, we do not wait for them to have a full walk to say “Bravo! Well done!”. Somehow as we grow our expectations on ourselves grow as well and we tend to forget the importance of celebrating the small steps.
Celebrating small wins is an important step to create e feeling of pride and enhance the energy to continue working towards the larger goals, it is the incremental success of small achievements that brings us the bigger goal.
When in the next weeks, as we approach the end of year, you will look back to your 2022 achievements and wonder what 2023 holds in for you, make sure you celebrate those smalls steps and wins; before you craft your vision for 2023.
Remember always that the small steps take us far, and they are part of our bigger journey, therefore each step or win is a reason to celebrate!
The so called soft skills (interpersonal skills) have been underrated for many years, not being see as important or in any way impacting the hard, visible and measurable” results. But…
I often think that an entrepreneur at the beginning of their journey is like a farmer who starts planting their crops on a new piece of land. The first year(s)…
As we all dive into 2023, for some of us the beginning of the year is an exciting time to set new goals or review the ones we have. My…
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